Frome Food Network Drop-in

Frome Food Network Drop-in

A scheduled food network drop into Broadway Community Gardens.

Last time FFN visited, BCG faced an uncertain future — was it going to fall into the hands of local residents to be used as a peaceful outdoor and growing space? Or were the council going to turn it into housing?

Fortunately, Frome Town Council stepped in and saved the day. So it’s a good time to catch up – what plans are afoot to help the local community exercise their green fingers? What will happen to the resulting produce? And how can BCG attract more people onto what is a rather unintentionally secret site?

No booking required this time, so just turn up. Feel free to meet (via the entrance on Oakfield Road) everyone there at 10, or email if you need help getting there.

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Yin Yoga Class

Yin Yoga Class

Come and join us and give yourself this opportunity to experience and benefit from Yin Yoga.

Yin Yoga is suitable for all levels of students and you will be guided to your own individual edge by Louise. Through the practice of long-held postures targeting the deeper fascia (connective tissue) of the body, Yin Yoga invites you to slow down and create space for stillness while nourishing tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones – where many of us experience pain or injury as a result of too much Yang (fast moving activities).

Louise has over 10 years experience holding space for personal transformation and deep healing working as a life coach and creative facilitator. She qualified as a Yin yoga teacher in 2022 after practising yoga for 25 years and specifically yin yoga for over 10 years. Her training has deepened her understanding of human anatomy and embodiment. Louise has a functional approach to yoga rooted in anatomy. Every person and body is an individual and can move and stretch in its own way. Louise believes in the deep wisdom of the body and allowing it to guide us into health, freedom and happiness.

Find out more about Louise and her events here

Please bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing you can move freely in.

*This event is weather dependant.*

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Garden Gather and Summer Picnic

Garden Gather and Summer Picnic

Every Sunday we gather in Broadway Community Gardens between 10am and 12pm, and everyone (including little people) is welcome to join!

This Sunday we will also be gathering for a Summer Picnic afterwards- an opportunity to just sit and enjoy the garden together! 🌻

A few of us will make salads & sandwiches from garden produce, we will bring a few extra tables and picnic blankets, and we are hoping to see you there! If you can, it’d be lovely if you could bring a dish, or a cake, a drink - but you are welcome to just turn up too!

Kerry from Frome Seed Library will be making milk bottle planters - all ages welcome to join! 🌱

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Garden Gather

Garden Gather

Every Sunday we gather in Broadway Community Gardens between 10am and 12pm, and everyone (including little people) is welcome to join!

There are always a few jobs that need doing, from watering and weeding the beds, to tackling the brambles and bindweed. Or you are welcome to just come along for a chat, and to enjoy this magical space.

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Garden Gather

Garden Gather

Every Sunday we gather in the garden. There are always a few jobs that need doing - from weeding and watering the beds, to tackling the bindweed and brambles. You’re also more than welcome to just come along to sit and enjoy the space, and chat to other people enthusiastic about gardening, growing and wildlife.

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